How To Save Money On Wedding Food: 14 Amazing Tips

How To Save Money On Wedding Food

If you want to learn how to save money on wedding food, then you are in the right place.

Wedding food is one of the big expenses incurred when planning for a wedding, as the guests have to be well-fed, so you need to plan and budget well, or it will eat deep into your wallet

To save money on wedding expenses, you have to compare prices of catering services, reduce the number of courses served, choose seasonal foods, and so on

Read on to learn more on how to save money on food for a wedding

Read how to save money for a car.

How exactly can I save money on food for my wedding?

There are several ways to save money on food for a wedding, some of which are explained here in this post

Select local caterers to save money on wedding food

One of the ways to save money on wedding food is to choose a local caterer. Once you’ve chosen a suitable venue for the wedding, the next thing is to hire a caterer.

Ensure that they are within your locality to reduce the cost  If your wedding location is far away, they may charge you an additional price for traveling all the way, which could be a flat rate or a cost per mile outside of their normal area of coverage.

To avoid this, try to get one within the vicinity of the wedding to move to the location faster, additionally, you will be supporting local businesses, which is an added advantage.

 Choose between the venue and outsourced catering

Another thing to consider If you want to save money on wedding food, you should compare the price of the in-house catering service within the venue with that of outside services.

If the venue you have chosen offers an all-inclusive package, it will most certainly include food. However, do not assume that this is the lowest alternative; it may be more cost-effective to use other caterers.  

If you have yet to book a venue, look for one that permits you to bring in another caterer of your choice. That way, you can compare rates across the board and choose the one that suits your budget.

So, it’s essential to look into wedding caterers and venues at the same time to choose which option is the most cost-effective. f.

Reduce the number of appetizers to serve at the wedding. 

Cutting down on the number of appetizers will help save money on the food for a wedding  Although, it’s a good idea to give your guests something to munch on before dinner, don’t overdo it by serving too many appetizers.

If you overserve your guests with appetizers, they will not be hungry for dinner, and the main course will most likely go to waste. Instead of a large variety of bites, stick to two or three selections.

Choose low-maintenance appetizers like crackers or chips. These demand less labor, resulting in lower servicing fees. 

Consider a food truck for your wedding food

Another way to save money on wedding food is to rent a food truck to deliver food to the guests. This is a good way to deliver freshly cooked dishes and add a personal touch to your wedding. 

Food trucks are used to prepare and serve tasty, crowd-pleasing foods at high-volume events. So choosing to use it to serve your guest will considerably help you reduce cost 

If you pay a flat rental fee and order portioned food from the menu, your bill will appear substantially lower. While you must pay for the truck rental, the overall cost per person may be far lower than that of a traditional caterer.

This is a great way to keep costs down while providing your guests with unique and delicious meals.

Read more on How to save money for a vacation.

Offer Fewer Courses to save money on wedding food

Offering fewer courses is also another way to save money on food for a wedding. For those who want a plated meal, you don’t have to break the bank to achieve it; simply restrict the number of dishes you serve. 

Serve seasonal food at a wedding

When food is out of season, the cost of transporting it from its source to your location increases. Choosing in-season ingredients for your wedding meal will help keep food costs down. 

To save money on wedding food, prepare your meals with seasonal ingredients and locally sourced produce. This way, you will not have to pay for transportation. 

A local and seasonal dinner will be more tasty because it is fresh, which is an advantage. Things will taste so much better, and you’re not paying more to add out-of-season ingredients to your menu.

When crafting your wedding menu, consult with your caterer to see what items are in season and their most economical selections.

Make the wedding dishes simple.

Having simple and less expensive meals at your wedding can help you save money. Your choice of entree will have a significant impact on your overall food bill.

For example, lobster, and oysters are often more expensive selections, whereas chicken and salmon are less expensive but still delectable.

 Keeping the preparation and presentation basic will also help you stay within your budget. 

Choose buffet-style wedding food.

Having a plated dinner is one of the most popular wedding food options available, but it is also very costly. Buffet-style meals are less expensive since they require less preparation and allow guests to serve themselves.

Buffets provide a greater variety of cuisine than a three- or four-course table-service meal, and they require a far smaller workforce to prepare and serve the food. In addition, guests can select exactly what they want to eat and the quantity they need.

While a buffet isn’t as elegant as a table service meal, your guests won’t complain as long as they have something to eat. 

Choose a vegan or vegetarian cuisine.

Serving vegetarian cuisine will reduce the cost of wedding food and save you money. The price of meat can dramatically increase the cost of your wedding meal.  Ask whether your catering service offers a vegetarian menu to save money. 

Not only can vegan cuisines have numerous health benefits, but they are also less expensive than meaty meals. As you cook vegan food, make sure it is hearty enough to keep everyone going all night.

 Cut down on the Guest List to save money

The number of guests invited to your wedding has a direct effect on the wedding expenses.

Although this is probably not the best option, reducing your guest list is one of the simplest methods to save money on wedding food. The more mouths you have to feed, the higher the cost. 

 Consider restricting your guest list to the number within your budget, or only invite a few close family and friends.

Use disposable dinnerware to save money on wedding food

Another thing that influences wedding expenses is dinnerware like napkins, glasses, plates, and cutlery.

Elegant linen napkins and fine china are essential for certain couples, but if you’re searching for a more affordable catering alternative, consider using disposable dinnerware instead to save money.

Alternatively, you might use actual china for dinner service only, with throwaway plates for appetizers

It may also be beneficial to work with a caterer who includes linen and china expenses in the overall cost, allowing you to avoid budgeting for these things separately.

Have a limited number of drinks in Your Bar

Having a well-stocked bar with a variety of cocktails is very good if you can afford it, but it will increase the expense. This is especially true if you decide to have an open bar, which might add thousands to your ultimate expenditure.

Limiting your alcohol selection is an excellent strategy to cut catering expenditures. This can be accomplished by sticking to wine and beer. If you want to add some diversity to your beverage menu, try including one or two trademark beverages

 Select off-peak periods to save money on wedding food.

Many couples desire to marry during the peak wedding season when the weather is more likely to be favorable and there are more opportunities for gorgeous outdoor images.

However, because most couples prefer this time of year, there is more competition and an increase in catering costs. As a result, vendors, including caterers, increase their prices.

So, you could save a lot of money on wedding food by scheduling your event between October and May, when caterers’ charges are significantly lower.

So, instead of arranging your wedding on a Saturday in July, why not try a Wednesday in February? This will reduce the cost of catering as well as other wedding expenses like the venue and entertainment.

 Ask for smaller plates

This may sound funny, but it is the truth, Ask your caterer to use smaller plates during the nighttime buffet. This will save you some money on food for a wedding.

It will limit the amount of food your guests can pile up. This means that instead of taking massive amounts of food from the buffet, they’ll take far less, reducing waste.

Don’t worry, if someone wants to go for numerous rounds, they can, so no one goes home hungry.

Final thought

Now that you know how to save money on wedding food, it is important to know that wedding food has a significant effect on your wedding expenses.  

Learning some ways to reduce the cost and using the money for other things without reducing the quality of your wedding is very important,

By using some of the tips above, you will be able to have a grand wedding that is within your budget

Learn more about savings by reading about the essential benefits of saving money.

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