How To Save For A House In 3 Years: 8 Best Ways

How To Save For A House In 3 Years

Are you interested in learning the best ways to save for a house in 3 years? Then you are in the right page.

Saving for a house in 3 years can be difficult, but not impossible. With careful planning and self-discipline, you will own your dream house.

To start saving for a house, you will need to first determine the type of house you need and the amount you can afford to save within the period, create your budget, and then start saving for your down payment

Read on to learn more about how to save for a house in 3 years

Read 7 important tips that will help you save for a car fast.

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What are the best ways to save for a house in 3 years?

Here are some ideas on how to save for a house in 3 years with determination and a proper financial plan:

Calculate the amount of money you will need to buy your house.

Before you can begin saving for your new house, you must first determine how much you will need to buy the house.

Being aware of how much you need to save for your new home will help you determine how long it will take you to reach your goal. 

Some of the expenses that come with purchasing a new house include the down payment, your monthly mortgage payment, closing charges, property taxes, homeowners insurance, furnishing, moving expenses, upkeep, and utilities.

You can use a mortgage calculator to get an estimate of how much you’ll pay in total for the home you’re considering buying right now. 

Your down payment

You need to be aware that your down payment is one of the biggest expenses you will be making for your new house.

More attention should be paid to it. Aim to save enough money for your down payment on your house mortgage to get the best rates. Normally, a down payment is 20% of the house price.

For example, if your house costs $200,000, the down payment will be $40,000.

However, a full 20% down payment can be very expensive and may not be required, as there are lots of mortgage choices with down payment requirements as low as 3%.

However, if you put less than 20% down on a conventional loan, you will likely have to pay private mortgage insurance (PMI), which raises your monthly mortgage payment.

Closing Cost

In addition to your down payment, you’ll need enough money to cover your closing charges. These are the fees for closing your loan. You have to expect to pay about 1% to 3% of the house value.

Create a budget to save for your house in 3 years

Once you determine how much to save for your house in three years, the next step is to create your budget.

This is important to enable you to track your income and expenses in order to know the best strategy to adopt for saving for a down payment plus a substantial savings cushion to handle continuing house bills. 

To begin budgeting for home ownership, follow these steps:

Write down all the sources of your earnings  Include your present after-tax income, cash savings, investments, and family gifts.

Remove all expenses, such as groceries and utilities, and the balance will assist you in determining how much you can save each month to attain your goal. Determine where you can cut back to increase your savings.

Read more about 9 essential steps in the budgeting process.

Determine where to keep your house savings fund

Now that you’ve selected how much money to save each month to achieve your house savings goal in 3 years,  

It is best to keep the money somewhere you won’t have easy access to all the time. 

Consider opening a separate savings account for the house fund, preferably one with a high yield. This will help you visualize your progress and keep these funds from being used for other purposes.  

Automate your savings to make transfers of funds into the account easier. You can also invest the money in money market funds, CDs, and bonds.

Avoid investing the fund in the stock market since 3 years is a small time frame and we can’t foresee what the stock market will do in that short time frame.

Cut back on Your Expenses to save for a house in 3 years

Look for ways to cut back on your expenses in order to increase your savings. For instance, instead of going to the cinema, download movies and watch them on your phone.

Again, instead of buying books, visit your local library. If you haven’t been there in a while, you might be astonished at how many books and magazines are available for free.

You can choose to cook your meals instead of eating out, which will allow you to save more money. You can also choose to cancel a membership that you no longer require or to replace it with a cheaper one. 

With all these small savings added together within the next 3 years, you will be surprised at how much you can save. Ensure that the fund goes towards your house savings.

Improve your credit score

The most important financial move you can make in preparation for buying a house in 3 years is to focus on your credit score.  

When applying for any type of credit, including mortgages, lenders look at your credit score to assess how good of a borrower you are.    

The higher your credit score, the more likely the lender believes you will repay the loan. A solid credit score can also help you qualify for reduced mortgage interest rates, which may save you a lot of money over the life of the loan.

Make it your goal to raise your credit score if it is not already in the good-to-excellent range.

Now is the time to start making all of your bill payments on time, reducing debt balances, avoiding new loan applications, keeping your credit card balances low, and disputing any credit report errors. 

You can also use to get your free credit report. Don’t be concerned if you already have a poor score on your credit report due to late payments.

They usually vanish after seven years, so check your credit report to see if you’ll be clear by the time you apply for a mortgage.  Making certain that no payments are missed

Set up a side hustle

Another important way to save for a house in 3 years is by starting a side business.

Adding a second job to your nights or weekends is a good solution. Consider choices such as taking on a side job or freelancing. Animal lovers can get dog-walking jobs or pet-sit for people who are leaving town.

Even if it’s not much, the money will always add up, especially if you’ve already made other financial sacrifices. For example, a few gigs a month at $50 or $100  means you might save between $1,200 and $3,000 a year.

Reduce your rent to save for a house in three years

This is another way to save money on the house down payment. What if you could redirect your current rent payment to your savings account rather than your landlord?

For example, deciding to live with your parents for some time can help you save up to 100% on your monthly rent.  You can also choose to share your rent with a housemate.

The temporary discomfort can position you to be a more competitive shopper in the future.”

If you don’t want to share your home with extra people, look into other ways to save money on rent. Consider renting a smaller flat or relocating temporarily to a less convenient and less expensive location.

Look into government housing programs 

Look into government programs or special mortgages that may help first-time homebuyers. Some programs provide down payment assistance or interest rate reductions.

Utilizing this strategy will help you save more towards your house purchase.

Final thought

Now that you know how to save for your house in three years, it is important to know that although saving for a down payment on a house may appear challenging at first, it is not impossible.

In fact, by using some of the ideas listed above, you will be surprised at the achievements within the next 3 years:

And, while going full-time thrifty for three years may not sound like a nice time, you’ll know it won’t be forever. When you finally have your dream house, all the struggles will be forgotten.

Learn more about saving by reading the 11 best ways to save money for a house on a low income.