How To Invest Money As A Teenager: What They Need To Know

Do you want to know how to invest money as a teenager?

Yes, to invest money as a teenager, you need to understand what investment is and how it works.

You need to know some of the assets you can invest in as a teenager. It is also important to know the steps involved that will help you achieve your investment and financial goals  

As a teenager, investing can be a brilliant way to begin accumulating wealth and developing knowledge of finance early in life. You can take control of your future right now by using the power of investment.

Read on to learn more about how to invest money as a teenager

Read more about amazing investment strategies for beginners.

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What Should Teens Invest In?

With so many different investment options to select from, each with a different level of risk, it can be challenging to know where to begin investing.

The following are some of the most frequent investments available to teenagers, as well as some of the downsides to be aware of.

Open a custodial brokerage account.

Teens and their parents should know that a person under the age of 18 can open a brokerage account, but it must be under the supervision of a custodial or guardian account.

A custodial account is a form of financial account that an adult keeps for the benefit of another individual, mostly for children Many parents set up a custodial brokerage account for their teenagers to invest in.

Importantly, custodial accounts can hold a wide range of assets, including stocks and bonds, certificates of deposit, exchange-traded funds, and other assets.

The funds in these accounts are managed by a custodian, who is usually a parent.

The money is not available to the teen or child until he or she reaches the age of majority in that state. The minor is the owner of the assets on their custodial account throughout the rest of their life.

Before we proceed, it is necessary to understand some of the assets that can be held in a brokerage account.


A stock is a kind of ownership (sometimes known as “equity”) in a publicly traded firm. When you buy stock in a corporation, you become a shareholder and a part-owner. 

Investors can make a profit from dividends paid by corporations to their shareholders as well as capital gains when the stock’s value rises.

As a result, investing in dividend-paying companies as a teenager can be quite profitable in the long run.

To begin investing in stocks, you do not need to be a professional. Indeed, researching companies and deciding which ones to invest in will teach you a lot about how the stock market operates. 

Overall, this method is beneficial for young investors since it allows them to understand more about how the market works.

To begin, look for a well-established organization with a track record of success.

Note that adding equities to your child’s portfolio as an addition to more diversified investments is a better option for parents and guardians than constructing a portfolio exclusively of individual stocks.

Stocks are volatile assets, which means they can see significant price changes in a short period of time. As a result, they are dangerous.


Bonds are a form of debt instrument. When you buy a bond, you’re essentially borrowing money from the company or government organization that issued it.

While bonds may not be as appealing to a teen as stocks, they are often more reliable investments that contribute to a well-diversified portfolio.

Bonds typically provide a fixed income through interest payments made by the bond issuer over a predetermined period.

Mutual funds

Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals of stock trading, you might want to attempt investing in some low-cost mutual funds.

Mutual funds are stock portfolios comprised of individual stocks. Because each mutual fund has numerous equities, you are not reliant on a single firm to generate profits.

As a result, rather than putting all your eggs in one basket, you can spread your risk.

Diverse companies in the top mutual funds for beginner investors provide broad exposure to many industries and markets.

Many of the stock brokers we’ve covered have their own mutual funds, which means you won’t have to pay high commissions when buying and selling these investments.

Read more about how to invest in mutual funds.

ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds)

Another sort of pooled investment is an ETF, which allows investors to add several assets to their portfolio with a single investment.

One significant distinction between ETFs and mutual funds is that Regardless of when they were placed, all mutual fund orders are settled at the end of the trading day. 

While ETFs trade like stocks throughout the day, You can buy one share of an ETF and have more price control, just like a stock. While many mutual funds have several share classes with different yearly expenditures, sales fees, and investment minimums, ETFs do not.

An ETF has the same expenses for everyone, regardless of where you invest in it, and the investment minimum is the price of one share.

Deposit Certificates

A certificate of deposit (CD) is a banking product that works similarly to a savings account in that it allows a teen to earn interest on their funds. 

The primary distinction is that CDs require you to maintain your money in the account for a set number of months (or even years) to collect the stated interest rate.

Then, when the CD matures, you will receive your money back in addition to the interest collected.

CDs, like savings accounts, are considered risk-free investments because the funds are FDIC-insured up to $250,000. The disadvantage is that your money is effectively locked up for some time.

High-yield savings account

This is the most simple way to invest your money as a teenager and start earning income.

As the name implies, a high-yield savings account (HYSA) will earn you more money than a traditional savings account.

The average interest rate on a savings account is around 0.09% APY.

Some high-yield savings accounts, on the other hand, can more than double that rate. And they can earn much more money over time.

However, even high-yielding savings accounts have very poor rates of return when compared to other investments.

As a teenager, you can have joint ownership in a high-yield savings account, as opposed to a custodial account, where you will not be able to have access to the money until you reach the age of majority.

All you have to do to start making money once you open a high-yield savings account is leave the money alone. It is not necessary to select the best stock or fund.

Set up a retirement account

Traditional custodial IRAs

If you want to start saving for retirement (and, thanks to compound interest, now is a great time to do so), you can open an individual retirement account.

These are known as IRAs, and few people realize that you can get one as a teenager. While the youngster is deemed a child, the IRA account is in the name of the parent or guardian.

However, depending on where you live, account ownership transfers to the teenager at the age of 18 or 21.

The only requirement is that you earn income to deposit into the account. As of 2018, a teenager is able to contribute up to $5,500 of their earnings into a standard IRA.

Compound interest is like a never-ending gift. It allows your money to snowball and accumulate over time. The investment earnings in your IRA will accumulate tax-free.

However, there are some advantages to reaching retirement age. You can, for example, make a penalty-free withdrawal to purchase your first house.

Custodial Roth IRAs

As a teenager, you can also open a custodial Roth IRA. These work similarly to ordinary IRAs.You can make a yearly contribution of up to $5,500.

However, there are distinctions between standard and Roth IRAs. The first is that a Roth donation is not deductible by the IRS.

The most significant distinction is that distributions from your account will be tax-free.

Another notable difference between the two schemes is that they will benefit youngsters significantly.

After five years, you can withdraw your contributions from a Roth IRA at any time, free of both normal income tax and the 10% early withdrawal penalty. 

The Roth IRA provides the advantages of tax-deferred investment income and the ability to establish a retirement plan, but funds can be withdrawn early if necessary.

This is especially essential in a young person’s life and may favor a Roth IRA over a standard one. There is a withdrawal penalty. This is because you already paid for them.

How do you start to invest your money as a teenager?

These are step-by-step guides to get teens started with investing:

Educate yourself about investing: Before you begin investing, you must understand the fundamentals of investing, the many investment possibilities, and the risks associated.

There are numerous online and printed resources available to assist you in learning the fundamentals, and you can also seek assistance from professionals if the need arises.

Set your investment goals: Teens, like older investors, should have an objective in mind when investing.

You should be able to know the reasons why you want to start investing Are you saving for college, retirement, or a car?

Your objectives will influence your investment strategy. Setting specific goals will assist you in developing an investment strategy that works for you. 

Research your investment: With many investment options out there, researching possible investments may be tough. It is critical to determine which sort of investment has the greatest potential to help you achieve your objectives.

Set up a brokerage account: You’ll need to open an account where you can buy and store your investment assets.

Because you are under the age of 18, you are unlikely to be able to register a brokerage account in your name. You can, however, open a custodial account with the assistance of a parent or guardian. This permits them to manage your account until you reach the legal drinking age.

Purchase your investment. It is now time to put into action your investing strategy. 

The procedure may differ depending on the investment, but you should be able to purchase practically any asset using your brokerage platform’s website or mobile app.

Reinvest Earnings: If you get dividends or interest from your investments, consider reinvesting those earnings to benefit from compound growth.

Final thought

Now that you know how to invest your money as a teenager,

It is important to know that at times, it may be challenging to know where to begin your investing journey, but this isn’t supposed to be the case.

There are several methods and tools available to help teens as they embark on their financial path.

Do not be afraid to seek guidance from your parents, guardians, or financial consultants. They can offer helpful advice and assist you in making decisions.

You can also learn more about investing by reading about common investing mistakes to avoid as a beginner.

FAQs On how to invest money as a teenager

How do you invest while you’re under the age of 18?

You cannot be the sole owner of a standard brokerage account if you are under the age of 18.

However, you are never too young to begin putting your money to work for you with the assistance of a parent, guardian, or another trusted adult.

You can open a custodial account with adult supervision, in which the adult administers the investments for you until you attain the age of majority before taking over the account ownership.

You can also set up a joint account with an adult and share asset ownership 

Is it illegal to begin investing before turning 18?

Despite some restrictions, no law bans anyone under the age of 18 from investing.

Minors cannot normally open their brokerage accounts, but custodial accounts and joint accounts allow young individuals to begin their investing adventure with varied amounts of adult supervision.

When you start to invest as a teenager, it can help you build wealth and financially prepare for your future. It also teaches young people the knowledge of money they will need to achieve their goals later in life.

What should an 18-year-old invest in?

When you’re ready to begin investing, open and fund a brokerage account. As long as you are 18 years of age or older, you can open an online brokerage account. 

Those younger than that will require the assistance of a parent. Parents can open a brokerage account or a custodial account on their teen’s behalf.

Is it too late to start investing at the age of 18?

It is never too late to begin investing, regardless of your age.

While time is your most valuable ally in investing, the processes required to learn how to invest can help you manage your finances and economic well-being throughout your life, regardless of age.

How can I invest if I’m under the age of 18?

However, if you are under the age of 18, an adult will normally be required to register a Roth IRA or brokerage account in which you will be purchasing equities. Because that adult will act as a custodian of the account.

They will theoretically maintain control over investing decisions. 

Can I invest if I am 17 years old?

While it is true that you must be at least 18 years old to open your brokerage account, those under the age of 18 have lots of options for investing, though they will require varied levels of supervision or coordination with an adult.